ONTAÑÓNIf you are considering making a visit to one of the Rioja wineries, don’t miss the chance to see Bodegas Ontañón and its Temple of Wine.
It is one of the most special bodegas in the appellation and can be found near the centre of Logroño.
Various different ways to learn about and to enjoy the wines under the vigilant eyes of gods and mythical heroes.
Ontañón offers an enjoyable guided tour of the vats, barrels and bottle cellar, finishing up in the Wine Bar “La Sacristía” where you can taste the wines and some delicious tapas. All with a protected designation of origin!
In addition, the Temple of Wine is available for holding all kinds of celebrations and events for groups. Just a stone’s throw from the centre of Logroño, it allows us to offer unique experiences for groups of all sizes, staying in the Rioja capital.
Our distinctive setting defined by the Worship of Wine, also enjoys a large outdoor space, the Patio de los Olivos, occupying a surface area of over 1,500 square metres.
In Ontañón you can enjoy different types of tastings and customised activities, as well as gastronomic experiences adapted according to the group and the aims of the company.
Bodegas Ontañón
Avda. de Aragón, 3
26006. Logroño
La Rioja
+34 941 234 200